Entering Dribbdebach

We made it and started our trip, yay! After a nice and emotional farewell we finally crossed the Ignatz-Bubis-Bridge in Frankfurt heading into Dribbdebach country on a Tuesday with perfect riding weather.

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Our first stop was Stuttgart where we met with our good friend Benny, who was our generous host for that night. After some barbeque and a good time on the PS4 we had a rather short night, which was kinda hard for 50% of us ;).


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The next day, the weather changed after ten minutes on the road and it didn’t stop raining till we reached our next stop, lovely Freiburg.

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Can’t leave home without lab cloves

In Freiburg we stayed for a fortnight at Vanessa’s and Topher’s place, to exchange the rectifier on Tophers Twin to finally abolished the electrical issues… and we uprgrades the boxes of the bikes 🙂




Today we had a nice evening with Vanessa and “freibugarian” friends in a cozy tavern with Spätzle and beer 🙂 Tomorrow we will travel on finally leaving Germany heading towards Austria.



5 Gedanken zu „Entering Dribbdebach“

  1. Hi,

    Schön, das ihr den Start auch geschafft habt. Bin inzwischen in Lavrio, Griechenland. Steige morgen auf das Salamis Schiff nach Haifa.
    Hatte heute schon mal einen Vorgeschmack auf Sahara: 39 Grad!

    Werde mich mal melden, wenn ich Dienstag in Haifa bin.

    Euch noch gute Fahrt und trockenes Wetter. Bin auch übelst Nass geworden.

  2. Gude,

    schee, dass ihr da wart. Sacht mal wann plant ihr denn in Istanbul zu sein? Mein Bruder hat mich grad gefragt, ob ich am letzten August-Wochenende mit ihm hinfliegen will.

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