We made it and started our trip, yay! After a nice and emotional farewell we finally crossed the Ignatz-Bubis-Bridge in Frankfurt heading into Dribbdebach country on a Tuesday with perfect riding weather.
Our first stop was Stuttgart where we met with our good friend Benny, who was our generous host for that night. After some barbeque and a good time on the PS4 we had a rather short night, which was kinda hard for 50% of us ;).
The next day, the weather changed after ten minutes on the road and it didn’t stop raining till we reached our next stop, lovely Freiburg.

In Freiburg we stayed for a fortnight at Vanessa’s and Topher’s place, to exchange the rectifier on Tophers Twin to finally abolished the electrical issues… and we uprgrades the boxes of the bikes 🙂
Today we had a nice evening with Vanessa and “freibugarian” friends in a cozy tavern with Spätzle and beer 🙂 Tomorrow we will travel on finally leaving Germany heading towards Austria.
It was really nice to have you around! Have a nice journey and see you in three months – approximatly 🙂
Schön, das ihr den Start auch geschafft habt. Bin inzwischen in Lavrio, Griechenland. Steige morgen auf das Salamis Schiff nach Haifa.
Hatte heute schon mal einen Vorgeschmack auf Sahara: 39 Grad!
Werde mich mal melden, wenn ich Dienstag in Haifa bin.
Euch noch gute Fahrt und trockenes Wetter. Bin auch übelst Nass geworden.
Langsam wird es ernst 🙂
Alles Gute!
schee, dass ihr da wart. Sacht mal wann plant ihr denn in Istanbul zu sein? Mein Bruder hat mich grad gefragt, ob ich am letzten August-Wochenende mit ihm hinfliegen will.
Great guys!!
I hope to read a lot of travel stories soon on your website…
I wish you the best experience ever!